We are looking for three post graduate researchers, each based in one of the three new faculties (Arts and Social Sciences, Science and Engineering, and Health and Life Sciences), to undertake a short-term project to map existing and plans for future creative technology activity across all disciplines.
This project would be particularly suitable for researchers who have a personal or professional interest in creative technologies or creativity in general.
Along with the Watershed and UWE Bristol, the University of Bristol is a partner in the Pervasive Media Studio which is based at the Watershed. Brigstow is closely involved with the Studio and along with the Centre for Creative Technologies is keen to understand the breadth of existing activity at the university to help us understand and promote engagement with the studio in future. This might be as a resident, through future involvement in programmes of activity involving creative technology, or potential collaborations. This will also generate other information relevant to the delivery of Creativity and Culture, one of the University’s research challenges.
What would I be expected to do?
Through desk based research, review the existing activity in each faculty and follow up via informal interviews if necessary. We are particularly interested in activities that already involve past or current Pervasive Media Studio residents and there would be an expectation that some of this work happens in the Studio.
With your fellow researchers, map the activity, by whom and then group this into key areas, along with a short narrative.
You would work with the Director and Manager of the Brigstow Institute, other University representatives on the Pervasive Media Studio decision-making groups and key people in each faculty, including the Centre for Creative Technologies, to plan the approach and review progress.
The results will then inform the design of workshops and a final showcase that will demonstrate the range of activity and hopefully encourage other researchers to engage with the Pervasive Media Studio.
We expect this would be funded research activity between April and May 2024. We have initial funding to cover each of the three researchers for 30 hours of time but can be very flexible about how this is allocated over this time period. You would, however, be expected to attend some meetings during standard office hours during this period. The hourly pay rate for this role is £18.12 (plus holiday pay if registered via TSS).
This opportunity is open to all students who are currently registered at the University of Bristol to undertake an:
- Eligible postgraduate research degree:
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Professional doctorate (EdD, EngD, DEdPsych, MD, DDS)
- Master’s degree by research (MMus, MPhil or MScR)
- Eligible postgraduate taught degree:
- Master of research (MRes)
Those registered for other taught masters (e.g. MA, MSc) are not eligible.
If you are successful, in order to be paid you will have to provide proof that you have the right to work in the UK.
How do I apply?
The closing date is 10am Tuesday 12th March. Please apply by sending the following to hello-brigstow@bristol.ac.uk:
- an outline of your suitability for the role (max one side of A4).
Please make sure you include the following:- Your name
- The title of your PhD project
- The name of your PhD Supervisor(s) and which department they are based in
- What skills and knowledge you can offer the project
- a short CV to support this (max one side of A4)
- Your name
- A short description of your educational background and work experience
- Any other relevant information
Any information in excess of the page limits will be removed before your application is assessed.