In a conversation recorded with artists Charli Clark and Paul Hurley in summer 2021, Nariman Massoumi, Lecturer in Film and Television, talks about the experiences of international students within the UK visa and immigration system, and their role at the university and in the (de)bordering project.
‘(de)Bordering the human and non-human worlds’ blog post by Professor Bridget Anderson, Director of Migration Mobilities Bristol.
In a conversation recorded at the plot in summer 2021, Katharine Charsley, Professor of Migration Studies, and Savita Wilmott, CEO The Natural History Consortium , talk about acceptable images of migrants, about port cities, about problematic discourses and policy.
In a conversation recorded at the plot in summer 2021, Tim Cole, Professor of History, and Peter Watts, Gardener at Royal Fort Gardens, talk about nettles, weeds and cultures of gardening.
In a conversation recorded at the plot in summer 2021, Tim Cole, Professor of History, and Peter Watts, Gardener at Royal Fort Gardens, talk about landscapes of power, the history of Royal Fort, and how we navigate garden spaces.
In a conversation recorded with artists Charli Clark and Paul Hurley in summer 2021, Nariman Massoumi, Lecturer in Film and Television, talks about photographic representation, collaboration, institutional barriers, cultural specificities of gardening and environmentalism.
Artist Paul Hurley talks about the creation of the (de)bordering plots, on the inspiration of the structural design and on its potential habitation.
Field recording of the European Robin, a bird that resides in the UK and can be sedentary, or sometimes migrates from the UK to Southern Europe or to the UK from Scandinavia, continental Europe and Russia. Recording made by Lawrence Shove and held in the British Library.
Part 1: In a conversation recorded at the plot in summer 2021, Katharine Charsley, Professor of Migration Studies, and Savita Wilmott, CEO The Natural History Consortium , talk migratory and flagship species and demonised categories of humans and nonhumans. Part 2: In a conversation recorded at the plot, in summer 2021, Katharine Charsley, Professor of… Continue reading→
Temperature life stories: Feeling the heat
Experiencing a changing climate through stories, poetry and data We all feel the heat, but how do our personal experiences and circumstances affect what we feel? Join the Brigstow Institute at the University of Bristol to create an online exhibition exploring our personal temperature life stories through poetry and data. Poetry workshops, led by Bristol City Poet Caleb… Continue reading→